Monday, January 28, 2013

So much running gear...

Here are my official Stoneham Theatre Boston Marathon pictures taken by the lovely and talented David Costa!  Don't forget to donate! Tell your friends! Click here!

I totally always smile like this when I run. 

You can't tell, but my butt is frozen to the front step of the theater 

Marathon training continues and my thighs hurt. 

I finished my long run (12 miles) and then some yesterday, just not when I planned.  I know I had said I was going to the group run, and I totally planned on it, but got almost no sleep on Saturday night. I was very good at the party (just one beer, though I may have consumed my weight in pita chips), but I just stayed up too late and then didn't really sleep well when I finally did get to bed.  I "called in" to the run but knew I would have to get the miles done that day regardless. It was also my niece's 4th birthday party, so I had to work around that. 

We were all pretty sleepy after the previous day's events (cleaning and setting up for the party, final performance of Sunset Boulevard, and the party), so I did sleep in a bit after letting the group know not to wait for me.  Naturally, I had trouble getting back to sleep because I felt guilty for missing the run.

Winston had no trouble getting back to sleep.

I decided to run after the party.  I was pretty sure the route I was going to take was well lit, and I didn't think I needed to map it out to be sure of the distance, I'd just do my 5.3ish loop twice and then let my Nike+ guide me through the last bit.  It was chilly, so I was happy to try out my knew running mittens, socks, balaclava, hat, and pants.  Plus, it was going to be 12 miles, so why not throw on my super sexy Fuel Belt?

Worst ninja ever.

First- I am never running in the cold without all of these things again. I took the advice of an associate from Marathon Sports in Melrose and got some of these socks and this pair of Saucony mittens. Amazing. My feet were never cold and they weren't too sweaty.  The mittens are SO much better than gloves.  My hands got a little sweaty, but it was fine.  I decided on both my hat and the balaclava.  It turns out breathing is easier when you're not freezing your mouth and throat with the cold air.  Go figure. 

It got dark kind of quickly.  First run through the loop was pretty light, second, not so much.  It turns out the only part of that route that is not well lit is the cemetery, so that was fun. I certainly picked up the pace for that part. 

The run felt great overall.  After the second loop through, I decided to run through the center to finish it off.  I was definitely feeling the cold on the last mile or so and was ready to stop.  Turns out, though, that my Nike+ wasn't totally accurate (it's not the GPS kind, so I usually map it out first and then calibrate it after) and I ran an extra half a mile. Eh, there are worse things that could have happened.

It was cold.

I am glad I got the run in.  In order to finish all 26.2, I'll need to be sure I get everything in in the next couple of months, plus, people are donating money for this! I need to finish as strong as I can!  

Next weekend, I don't seem to have anything set in the mornings, so I should be able to join up with the group for the long run - 13 miles!  

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